1Private property (Jacquaz family?) Rechthalten/Dirlaret (Canton of Fribourg) • by 1862 Stephan Gasser, Alain Fretz, «Das spätmittelalterliche Vesperbild der Sammlung Emil Bührle in Zürich», in: Zeitschrift für Schweizerische Archäologie und Kunstgeschichte (76) • 2019, Heft 4 • p. 5.
2Tinguely family Rechthalten/Dirlaret (Canton of Fribourg) • by 1930 Stephan Gasser, Alain Fretz, as above, n. (1).
3Prof. Dr. Heribert Reiners Fribourg & Constance • 1930 until ca. 1950 Acquired from the above, via Reiners’s student Joseph Martin Lusser and Joseph Tinguely, Stephan Gasser, Alain Fretz, as above, n. (1).
4Heinz Kisters Meersburg • ca. 1950 until 1955 Acquired from the above, AStEGB, Letter from Dr. Hans Wendland, Paris, to Emil Bührle, 10 June 1956.
5Dr. Benno Griebert Meersburg/Constance • by 1955 AStEGB, Receipt, signed by Dr. Benno Griebert, 10 September 1955.
6Emil Bührle Zurich • 10 September 1955 until [d.] 28 November 1956 Acquired from the above for CHF 150.000, Receipt as above, n. (5). The acquisition was followed by a dispute between Dr. Hans Wendland, Paris, who had offered the sculpture to Emil Bührle in April 1955 for the first time, and the Kunstmuseum Basel and its director, Dr. Georg Schmidt, to whom the sculpture had been offered (via Dr. Wendland’s brother-in-law, H. F. Fankhauser, Basel), as well. Schmidt considered the planned purchase as the museum’s decisive purchase of the year 1955 and took deep offense when the offer was withdrawn, AStEGB, Correspondence between Dr. Hans Wendland, Paris, H. F. Fankhauser, Basel, and Emil Bührle, 13 April 1955–14 July 1956; Letter from Kunstmuseum Basel, Georg Schmidt, to H. F. Fankhauser, Basel, 22 June 1956, summarizing the course of events.
6Given by the heirs of Emil Bührle to the Foundation E.G. Bührle Collection Zurich • 1960 no. P15.
AStEGB = Archive of the Foundation
E.G. Bührle Collection, Zurich