1Mme Deville Paris • until 1826 John Smith, A Catalogue Raisonné of the Works of the Most Eminent Dutch, Flemish, and French Painters, vol. 3, London 1831, p. 338, no. 291.
2Lord Charles Townshend • by 1831 Smith, as above, n. (1).
3Alfred de Rothschild Halton House (Buckinghamshire) • by 1884 – 1918 Charles Davis, A Description of the Works of Art Forming the Collection of Alfred de Rothschild, London 1884, vol. 1, Pictures, no. 30; the painting was still listed in an inventory of Halton House in September 1919, E-Mail-Message from the Rothschild Archive, London, to Bettina Kaufmann/Foundation E.G. Bührle Collection, Zurich, 7 February 2025.
4Lionel Nathan de Rothschild London/Exbury • 1918 until [d.] 1942 Nephew of the above, by inheritance, E-Mail-Message as above, n. (3).
5The Estate of Lionel Nathan de Rothschild of Exbury London London • 1942 – 1946 The sale of the painting was declared to the CTO (Capital Taxes Office) on 10th July 1946, E-Mail-Message as above, n. (3).
6Frank Partridge London • 1946 Acquired from the above, E-Mail-Message as above, n. (3).
7Marlborough Fine Art Ltd. London • by 1953 AStEGB, Sale confirmation from Trafo, Anstalt für Handel und Finanz, Vaduz [Marlborough Fine Art Ltd., London], signed by F. K. Lloyd, to Emil Bührle, 1 October 1953, regarding a group of 10 artworks sold to Bührle for a total sum of £ 40.000 (= CHF 480.000), including Teniers, Kermis. Payment of this amount will be made in two installments, £ 27.000 from a Swiss account in London to Marlborough Fine Art Ltd., London, and £ 13.000 at an exchange rate of 12 CHF=1 £ (= CHF 156.000) to be transferred to Trafo’s account with UBS Zurich.
8Emil Bührle Zurich • 2 October 1953 until [d.] 28 November 1956 Acquired from the above for £ 11.000 (with a 6% discount), Sale confirmation as above, n. (4), with prices for each artwork handwritten by Emil Bührle; AStEGB, Payment order, made by Emil Bührle to Industrie- und Handelsbank, Zurich, 1 October 1953 for the sum of CHF 156.000 to be transferred to Trafo, Vaduz, and Confirmation of execution of payment from Industrie- und Handelsbank, Zurich, 2 October 1953.
9Given by the heirs of Emil Bührle to the Foundation E.G. Bührle Collection Zurich • 1960 Inv. 166.
AStEGB = Archive of the Foundation
E.G. Bührle Collection, Zurich