Edouard Manet
Junge Frau in orientalischem Gewand
um 1871
La Sultane
Öl auf Leinwand
96 x 74.5 cm
Signiert unten links: Manet
Rouart/Wildenstein 175
Denis Rouart, Daniel Wildenstein, Edouard Manet, Catalogue raisonné, 2 vol., Lausanne & Paris, 1975.
1Adrien Marx Paris • until 1892 Received from the artist, see dedication on the picture (later painted over): «à l’ami Adrien Marx».
2Roger Marx Paris • 1892 until [d.] 1913 Nephew of the above, acquired from the above for FF 450, Adolphe Tabarant, Manet et ses œuvres, Paris 1947, p. 289; Roger Marx, Un critique aux côtés de Gallé, Monet, Rodin, Gauguin…, (exh. cat.) Musée des Beaux-Arts Nancy 2006, p. 31 (n. 3).
3The estate of Roger Marx Paris • 1913–1914 Catalogue des tableaux, pastels, dessins, aquarelles […] sculptures […] faisant partie de la Collection Roger Marx […], (sale cat.) Galerie Manzi, Joyant, Paris (11–12 May 1914), no. 60.
4Durand-Ruel Paris Bernheim-Jeune Paris Paul Cassirer Berlin • 1914–1923 Acquired at the above sale for FF 74.000, Rouart/Wildenstein no. 175; for the price O[tto] G[rautoff], «Auktionsnachrichten, Paris», in Kunst und Künstler (12) 1913/14, p. 557.
5Durand-Ruel Paris • 1923 until ca. 1928 According to documents kept in the archive of the Durand-Ruel Gallery in Paris, and quoted in Report from Dr. Monika Tatzkow to von Trott zu Solz, Law firm, Berlin, 20 March 2009, p. 3, Durand-Ruel became the sole owner of the painting on 20 July 1923, after the firm had first sold (20 May 1914), then reacquired (12 April 1915) its share of one third to and from Bernheim-Jeune, after the joint purchase at the 1914 sale of the Roger Marx collection (as above, n.4); AStEGB, Copy of Monika Tatzkow’s Report, sent to Foundation E.G. Bührle Collection on 16 April 2009; Exhibition of Paintings, Edouard Manet, Pierre Renoir, Berthe Morisot, Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh 1924, no. 19.
6Max Silberberg Breslau • ca. 1928–1937 No documents regarding the sale of the painting to Max Silberberg have been preserved in the archive of the Durand-Ruel Gallery in Paris (AStEGB, Report of Dr. Monika Tatzkow as above, n. 5, p. 9), but since Durand-Ruel accepted, in 1934, to have the painting sent to them by Paul Rosenberg for an exhibition in New York on their own premises (Exhibition of Important Paintings by Great French Masters of the Nineteenth Century, Paul Rosenberg & Durand-Ruel [Durand Ruel Galleries], New York 1934, no. 31), E-Mail from Durand-Ruel, Paris, to Foundation E.G. Bührle Collection, Zurich, 7 March 2022, it can be assumed that a regular sale of the painting to Silberberg had indeed taken place. The earliest reference to Max Silberberg as the owner of Manet, La Sultane is given in the catalogue of Ausstellung Edouard Manet 1832–1883, Gemälde, Pastelle, Aquarelle, Zeichnungen, Galerie Matthiesen, Berlin 1928, no. 35. In 1932, La Sultane by Edouard Manet was consigned to Paul Rosenberg in Paris, most probably at the time when a group of works from the Silberberg collection were offered for sale at an auction in Paris (not including La Sultane) in June 1932. After its arrival in Paris, the painting was registered as no. 3079 in an inventory of photographs made by the Paul Rosenberg gallery of incoming new works (Museum of Modern Art, New York, The Paul Rosenberg Archives, IV.A.1.a, «Liste de photographies, Paris»; although no dates are given with these entries, a later entry on the following page of the same inventory book, linked to nos. 3129–3131, refers to an Exposition Claude Monet Nymphéas, taking place at the gallery from February through March 1933, allowing to state that the painting had been consigned to Rosenberg and come to Paris certainly before that date). Paul Rosenberg subsequently offered the painting for sale at two exhibitions, one in New York in 1934 (catalogue as above), and one in Rosenberg’s own gallery in Paris in 1935 (Tableaux du 19e siècle dans un décor ancien, Galerie Paul Rosenberg, Paris 1935), no catalogue, but photographs of the installation surviving.
7Paul Rosenberg Paris & New York • 1937–1953 Acquired in 1937 for $ 17.800, AStEGB, Photocopy of Stock Book of Paul Rosenberg & Co., New York, entry no. 5106, and of Inventory Card no. 3079; Letter from Paul Rosenberg, New York, to Emil Bührle, 22 September 1952, accompanying individual invoices for 10 pictures which Bührle has acquired from him, including Manet, La Sultane.
8Emil Bührle Zurich • 18 September 1953 until [d.] 28 November 1956 Acquired from the above for $ 65.000 minus a 10% discount ($ 6.500) = $ 58.500, AStEGB, Invoice from Paul Rosenberg, New York, made out to Emil Bührle, 22 September 1952, listing Silberberg as a previous owner; Letter from Emil Bührle to Paul Rosenberg, Zurich, 6 May 1953, accompanying a check in payment of 4 pictures and scheduling payments for 3 pictures still to be effected, including Manet, La Sultane; [2nd] Invoice from Paul Rosenberg, New York, made out to Emil Bührle, 14 September 1953, for Manet, La Sultane, and Summary of invoices from Paul Rosenberg, made out to Emil Bührle, 14 September 1953, for 3 paintings valued at $ 138.600, including Manet, La Sultane, and deducting $ 19.220 for payment already effected; Payment order from Emil Bührle to Industrie- und Handelsbank, Zurich, 18 September 1953, ordering transfer of the remaining $ 119.380 to Paul Rosenberg; Correspondence regarding the import of the 10 pictures to Switzerland, 12 January 1956–22 June 1956, the Manet figuring in the papers as «Manet, Young Woman in Oriental Costume», with a declared value of $ 12.000.
9Given by the heirs of Emil Bührle to the Foundation E.G. Bührle Collection Zurich • 1960 Inv. 62.
AStEGB = Archive of the Foundation E.G. Bührle Collection, Zurich
Denis Rouart, Daniel Wildenstein, Edouard Manet, Catalogue raisonné, 2 vol., Lausanne & Paris, 1975.
1924Exhibition of Paintings, Edouard Manet, Pierre Renoir, Berthe Morisot Carnegie Institute • Pittsburgh • 1924 no. 19.
1928Ausstellung Edouard Manet 1832–1883, Gemälde, Pastelle, Aquarelle, Zeichnungen Galerie Matthiesen • Berlin • 1928 no. 35.
1928Exposition d’œuvres de Manet au profit des «Amis du Luxembourg» Galerie Bernheim-Jeune • Paris • 1928 no. 24.
1934Exhibition of Important Paintings by Great French Masters of the Nineteenth Century Paul Rosenberg & Durand-Ruel (Durand Ruel Galleries) • New York • 1934 no. 31.
1935Tableaux du 19e siècle dans un décor ancien Galerie Paul Rosenberg • Paris • 1935 no cat.
1941From Ingres to Picasso, Person Hall Art Gallery University of North Carolina • Chapel Hill (North Carolina) • 1941 no. 10.
1946Masterpieces by Manet (1832–1883) Paul Rosenberg & Co. • New York • 1946–47 no. 6.
1958Sammlung Emil G. Bührle, Festschrift zu Ehren von Emil G. Bührle zur Eröffnung des Kunsthaus-Neubaus und Katalog der Sammlung Emil G. Bührle Kunsthaus Zurich • 1958 no. 140.
1958Hauptwerke der Sammlung Emil Georg Bührle–Zürich Haus der Kunst • Munich • 1958–59 no. 92.
1961Masterpieces of French Painting from the Bührle Collection Royal Scottish Academy, Edinburgh • National Gallery, London • 1961 no. 14.
1990The Passionate Eye, Impressionist and Other Master Paintings from the Collection of Emil G. Bührle, Zurich, Catalogue of the Exhibition in Commemoration of the 100th Birthday of the Collector Emil G. Bührle National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. • Musée des beaux-arts de Montréal • Yokohama Museum of Art • Royal Academy of Arts, London • 1990–91 no. 23.
2002Edouard Manet und die Impressionisten Staatsgalerie Stuttgart • 2002–03 no. 17.
2005Manet Complesso del Vittoriano • Rome • 2005–06 no. 56.
2010Van Gogh, Cézanne, Monet, Die Sammlung Bührle zu Gast im Kunsthaus Zürich Kunsthaus Zurich • 2010 no. 62.
201721, rue La Boétie, D’après le livre d’Anne Sinclair Musée Maillol • Paris • 2017 no. 16.
2017Gefeiert & verspottet, Französische Malerei 1820–1880 Kunsthaus Zurich • 2017–18 no. 70.
2018Bührle Collection: Impressionist Masterpieces from the E.G. Bührle Collection, Zurich (Switzerland) National Art Center, Tokyo • Kyushu National Museum, Fukuoka • Nagoya City Art Museum • 2018 no. 19.
1902Théodore Duret Histoire d’Edouard Manet et de son œuvre, Avec un catalogue des peintures et des pastels Paris • 1902 • no. 214 (21909, 31919, 41926; German edition: Edouard Manet, Sein Leben und seine Kunst, Berlin 1910 • English edition: Manet and the French Impressionists, London & Philadelphia 1910; 22009).
1912Julius Meier-Graefe Edouard Manet Munich • 1912 • pp. 239–240, fig. 140.
1914«La vente Roger Marx» in Les Arts (150) • 1914 • p. 32 (ill.).
1913Otto Grautoff «Auktionsnachrichten» in Kunst und Künstler (12) • 1913/14 • p. 557 (ill.).
1922Tristan Klingsor «Manet» in L’Amour de l’Art (3) • 1922 • p. 261 (ill. left).
1922André Fontainas / Louis Vauxcelles Histoire Générale de l’Art Français de la Révolution à nos Jours Paris • 1922-25 • vol. 1 • p. 126 (ill.)
1922André Fontainas / Louis Vauxcelles Histoire générale de l’art français • 1922 • p. 126.
1928Julius Meier-Graefe «Edouard Manet, Zur Ausstellung in der Galerie Matthiesen» in Cicerone (20) • 1928 • p. 79 (ill.).
1926Etienne Moreau-Nélaton Manet raconté par lui-même Paris • 1926 • vol. 1 • pp. 134–135, fig. 154.
1931Adolphe Tabarant Manet, Histoire catalographique Paris • 1931 • no. 240.
1931Karl Scheffler «Die Sammlung Max Silberberg» in Kunst und Künstler (30) • 1931/32 • pp. 9 (ill.), 14.
1932Paul Colin Edouard Manet Paris • 1932 • p. 38.
1932Paul Jamot • Georges Wildenstein Manet Paris • 1932 • vol. 1, no. 200 • vol. 2, fig. 52.
1932René Huyghes «Manet peintre» in L’Amour de l’art (13) • 1932 • fig. 43.
1938Robert Rey Manet Paris • 1938 • p. 74 (ill.).
1947Adolphe Tabarant Manet et ses œuvres Paris • 1947 • p. 289, fig. 253.
1959Denys Sutton «The Bührle Collection» in The Connoisseur (143) • 1959 • p. 143.
1963René Wehrli «Emil G. Bührle, Zurich, French Nineteenth-Century Paintings» in Great Private Collections Douglas Cooper (ed.) • New York • 1963 • p. 219.
1967Sandra Orienti • Marcello Venturi L’opera pittorica di Edouard Manet Milan • 1967 • no. 214 (ill.; English edition: Sandra Orienti, Phoebe Pool, The Complete Paintings of Manet, New York 1967 • German edition: Das gemalte Werk von Edouard Manet, Lucerne etc. 1967 • French edition: Denis Rouart, Sandra Orienti, Tout l’oeuvre peint d’Edouard Manet, Paris 1970, no. 216 [ill.]).
1975Leopold Reidemeister etc. Stiftung Sammlung Emil G. Bührle • Fondation Collection Emil G. Bührle • Foundation Emil G. Bührle Collection Zurich & Munich • 1973 • no. 31 (ill.; 21986).
1975Denis Rouart • Daniel Wildenstein Edouard Manet, Catalogue raisonné Lausanne & Paris • 1975 • vol. 1 Peintures no. 175 (ill.).
1982Donald A. Rosenthal Orientalism, The Near East in French Painting 1800–1880 (exh. cat.) • Memorial Art Gallery, University of Rochester, Rochester (New York) etc. • 1982 • p. 143, fig. 142.
1983Manet 1832–1883 (exh. cat.) • Grand Palais, Paris • Metropolitan Museum of Art New York • 1983 • p. 191.
1991Eric Darragon Manet Paris • 1991 • p. 222, fig. 148.
1994Emil Maurer Stiftung Sammlung E.G. Bührle, Zürich Bern • 1994 • p. 40–41 (ill.; English edition: Foundation E.G. Bührle Collection, Zurich, Bern 1995).
1996Manet (exh. cat.) • Fondation Pierre Gianadda • Martigny • 1996 • fig. 9.
1997Martina Haja «Zwischen Traum und Wirklichkeit, Die österreichische Orientmalerei im 19. Jahrhundert» in Orient, Österreichische Malerei zwischen 1848 und 1914 (exh. cat.) • Residenzgalerie Salzburg • 1997 • pp. 44, 240, fig. 15.
2001Esther Tisa Francini etc. Fluchtgut, Raubgut, Der Transfer von Kulturgütern in und über die Schweiz 1933–1945 und die Frage der Restitution Unabhängige Expertenkommission Schweiz–Zweiter Weltkrieg (ed.) • Zurich 2001 • p. 105 (n. 265).
2002Carol Armstrong Manet, Manette New Haven & London • 2002 • p. 64, fig. 24.
2003Gilles Néret Edouard Manet 1832–1883, The First of the Moderns Cologne • 2003 • p. 54 (ill.; German edition: Edouard Manet 1832–1883, Vorreiter der Moderne • Spanish edition: Edouard Manet 1832–1883, El primero de los modernos).
2005Lukas Gloor, Marco Goldin (ed.) Foundation E.G. Bührle Collection, Zurich, Catalogue vol. 2 • Conegliano & Zurich • 2005 • no. 72 (ill.; German edition: Stiftung Sammlung E.G. Bührle, Katalog • Italian edition: Fondazione Collezione E.G. Bührle, Catalogo).
2006Roger Marx Un critique aux côtés de Gallé, Monet, Rodin, Gauguin… (exh. cat.) • Musée des Beaux-Arts Nancy • 2006 • p. 31 (n. 3).
2006Monika Tatzkow • Hans-Joachim Hinz «Bürger, Opfer und die historische Gerechtigkeit, Das Schicksal jüdischer Kunstsammler in Breslau» in Osteuropa (56) • 2006 • pp. 160 (ill.), 166.
2007Marni Reva Kessler Sheer Presence, The Veil in Manet’s Paris Minneapolis & London • 2007 • pp. XXX, 132–138, fig. 48.
2016Lukas Gloor «Emil Bührle and Paul Rosenberg: A business relationship at the dawn of the post-war era» in 21, rue La Boétie, based on the book by Anne Sinclair (exh. cat.) • Musée La Boverie • Liège • 2016–17 • pp. 137–138, figg. 83, 84 (French edition: «Emil Bührle et Paul Rosenberg: Une relation d’affaires au lendemain de la guerre», in 21, rue La Boétie, d’après le livre d’Anne Sinclair).
2021Lukas Gloor «The Holdings of the Emil Bührle Collection: Illustrated List of All 633 Purchases» in The Emil Bührle Collection: History, Full Catalogue and 70 Masterpieces Swiss Institute for Art Research, Zurich (ed.) • Munich • 2021 • no. 254 (ill.).